New Year, Better YOU.

It’s been a while. The past few months, the end of 2019… Well it was a wild, exciting ride. And while 2019 brought some big changes and much to be thankful for, like many it still had its challenges. Almost every year around this time we see the posts....

Stop Letting Others Steal Your Joy

So I did this thing. The last few weeks have been long and tiring, yet rewarding and humbling.  And they’ve given me some time to really reflect. As I opened another business, my dream store..  Oak+Ash, a home boutique. I’ve seen a community of women, friends and strangers, encourage and support....

I Was Normal Four Kids Ago.. Or Was I?

I was normal four kids ago. Or was I? Seriously, do any of us really know what normal is? And is our definition {or lack there of} necessarily correct..  nor·mal /ˈnôrməl/ adjective: normal conforming to a standard; usual, typical, or expected. With the addition of children I feel like...

The day our family became complete {again}: Our Adoption Story

We have created three beautiful children on our own. After the birth of our two girls we struggled and endured much heartache multiple times before we let go and let God. Not long after our caboose came along, our one and only boy {or so we thought}. It was...