I Was Normal Four Kids Ago.. Or Was I?

normal natI was normal four kids ago. Or was I?

Seriously, do any of us really know what normal is? And is our definition {or lack there of} necessarily correct.. 

adjective: normal
conforming to a standard; usual, typical, or expected.

With the addition of children I feel like I’ve become more and more laid back, more content. Busier yes, but more grateful for the little things and little moments.  And a little less anxious when life doesn’t go my way. Having a child changes your life, having four really changes your life.  And while this season is crazy and chaotic 99% of the time, it’s a crazy that has become our new {normal}, what we are use to. And I’m pretty content in it. I want to think that 4 kids ago, yes maybe I was normal. I was typical, usual, a creature of habit, average… Life was a lot more predictable. A little less exciting and well, more boring.

I’m far from that now. I may seem like a frantic zombie most days you run into me, but I’m just thankful for the crazy. Thankful for the busy schedules, laundry piled up, grit on the floors, and destroyed mom mobile. Thankful for the jam packed schedules, and ballpark burgers. The businesses we’ve created keeping us up well after the pitter patter of feet quiet, and yells of goodnight from upstairs come to a halt. Thankful for the friendships of fellow couples, that share our barnyard commotion and welcome it with open arms, no judgment there. {If you find those friends never let them go} Most of all I’m happy that many moons ago this would have all made me cringe and exhausted me with just the thought, but these days I’m just living life one day at a time. Thanking the man upstairs for choosing me to be their mom, when he could have chosen anyone. And blessing me with this life, the good, the bad, the messy, and all.   

Lots of times, we get caught up in comparison. The comparison of what we think is normal or should be normal. We bring up the past or daydream of the future. Who we think we are or who we think we should be. Or worst of all, we compare ourselves to others around us, those that seem like they have it all together. The ones we think are normal. Truth is NO one has it all together and everyones normal is different.  But don’t fault those who are trying. Encourage them. And most of all..  

Don’t be normal… Just be you!

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